Celebrating the Honey Harvest

By Paula Detwiller


Next time you see a honeybee, don’t swat it. Thank it!  Honeybees were busy all summer pollinating our local fruits and vegetables, and in the process, producing a sweetly delicious

 golden-brown liquid that’s very good for your health.

We’re talking about honey, Honey.  Since much of U.S. honey is harvested in September, this is National Honey Month. In celebration, we offer these honey facts:

  • Honey is composed primarily of carbohydrates (natural sugars) and water, as well as trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.
  • Honey is a natural energy booster. It’s been known to increase athletic performance and endurance, and reduce muscle fatigue.
  • Unlike white sugar or sugar substitutes, honey contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which act as antioxidants. Sweeten your coffee, tea, yogurt, etc. while fortifying your immune system!
  • You can use honey like an antiseptic on wounds or burns. Its antibacterial properties help prevent infection.
  • A little honey “the morning after” will help your hangover go away faster.
  • Honey’s moisturizing properties make it a natural for homemade facials.

Support your Local Beekeepers

Contrary to popular belief, tests have shown that eating locally produced honey does not relieve allergies to local plants. But it does support local beekeepers and the busy bees they nurture!

Florida has dozens of honeybee pollinating businesses, many of which sell their honey to the public. Get ready, because we’ll have locally produced honey at the Delray Beach GreenMarket when we open again on Saturday, October 15th…only a month away!

One response to this post.

  1. Hi Delray Green Market: First of all the Mango salsa was fantastic. We put it on everything. Wish I had some of those great mangoes from Fl, though.

    Found a great honey in Baltimore, Maryland called Really Raw Honey. Never barreled, heated or strained. It is delicious. Their website is http://www.reallyrawhoney.com.


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